院系 Schools & Departments. |
专业 Majors |
地球科学ybapp官网下载 School of Earth Sciences |
地理科学类Geography; 地质学类Geology |
资源ybapp官网下载 Faculty of Earth Resources |
资源勘查工程Exploration Engineering of Mineral Resources; 石油工程Petroleum Engineering; |
材料与化学ybapp官网下载 Faculty of Materials Scienceand Chemistry |
材料化学Material Chemistry; 应用化学Applied Chemistry; 材料科学与工程Material Science and Engineering; |
环境ybapp官网下载 School of Environmental Studies |
水文与水资源工程Hydrology and Water Resource Engineering; 地下水科学与工程Groundwater Science and Engineering; 环境工程Environmental Engineering; |
工程ybapp官网下载 Faculty of Engineering |
安全工程Safety Engineering; 地质工程Geological Engineering; 勘查技术与工程(钻探工程方向) Prospecting Technology and Engineering (Exploration Engineering) ; 土木工程Civil Engineering |
地球物理与空间信息ybapp官网下载 Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics |
勘查技术与工程(勘查地球物理方向)Prospecting Technology and Engineering (Exploration geophysics); 地球信息科学与技术Geological Information Science and Technology; 地球物理学Geophysics |
机械与电子信息ybapp官网下载 School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information |
电子信息工程Electronic Information Engineering; 机械设计制造及其自动化Machine Design and Manufacturing and Automation; 工业设计Industrial Design; 通信工程 (中文/英文授课) Telecommunication Engineering (Chinese/English-taught) |
自动化ybapp官网下载 School of Automation |
自动化Automation; 测控技术与仪器Measurement Technology and Instrument |
经济管理ybapp官网下载 School of Economics and Management |
工商管理(双语班) Business Management (Bilingual); 市场营销Marketing Management; 会计学Accounting; 旅游管理Tourist Management; 信息管理与信息系统Information Management and System; 工程管理Project Management; 经济学Economics; 国际经济与贸易International Economy and Trading; 统计学Statistics; |
信息工程ybapp官网下载 Faculty of Information Engineering |
软件工程Software Engineering; 地理空间信息工程Geological Information Engineering; 遥感科学与技术Remote Sensing Science and Technology; 地理信息科学Geological Information Science; 测绘工程Surveying Engineering |
数学与物理ybapp官网下载 School of Mathematics and Physics |
数学与应用数学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics ; 信息与计算科学Information and Science of Computation; 物理学Physics |
珠宝ybapp官网下载 Gemological Institute |
宝石及材料工艺学Gemology and Material Crafts; 产品设计(珠宝首饰方向)Product Design ( Jewelry) |
艺术与传媒ybapp官网下载 School of Arts and Communication |
广播电视学Television Broadcasting Science; 环境设计Environmental Design; 视觉传达设计Visual Communication Design; 数字媒体艺术 Digital Media Art; 音乐学Musicology; |
公共管理ybapp官网下载 School of Public Administration |
公共事业管理Public Administration; 行政管理Administration Management; 自然地理与资源环境Natural Geography Resources and Environment; 土地资源管理Land Resources Management; 法学Law |
计算机ybapp官网下载 School of Computer Science |
计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology; 空间信息与数字技术Spatial Information and Digital Technology 信息安全Information Security; 网络工程Network Engineering |